
Meet the Mosaic eMarketing Digital Marketing Team

Like a piece of Mosaic art, our digital marketing team is a grouping of diverse pieces brought together to create something greater than the sum of its parts, with one mission; to do great things for you!

Austin Cantwell

Austin Cantwell

Founder & CEO

Get to Know

Austin Cantwell

Hello, I’m Austin! According to StrengthFinders here are my top 5 strengths; Strategic, Responsibility, Achiever, Analytical and Belief. And you know what? I would have to agree!

As a human searching for my purpose in the world, I am fueled by relationships, connection and the desire to be a part of something much larger than myself. Nothing drives me more than the process of learning, strategically planning, building, driving results, and sharing successes. Whether it’s in the business world, home construction projects or relationships, I am always looking for the thrill of making something beautiful.

I tend to approach life with the mindset of … “If someone else can do it, why can’t I?” That’s the “belief” in me that StrengthFinders uncovered.

I was born in Ohio and have lived here my entire life. I went to Kent State University for business (why couldn’t they have built their downtown area up while I went to school there?!)  Since graduating, I’ve been in the digital marketing world ever since and could not be more grateful.

I am Mosaic’s founder and CEO, which means I get to do what I love. I get to partner with companies with the desire to become their missing piece to drive greater successes for them. To give it my all to solve problems, open new opportunities, drive results and help in any way possible.

Things Austin Knows
Digital Strategy. Analytics. Conversion optimization. Web optimization. Digital Marketing: PPC, SEO, Email, Affiliate, Mobile, Social, Marketing automation’s, predictive intelligence and more.

Things Austin Likes
Family. Playing with my kids. Social events and gatherings. Good movies and TV shows. Teaching. Connection. Building. Learning. Planning. Sharing successes. Helping others. People. Relationships. Sports. Food. Drinks. Enthusiasm. Belief. Discovery. Big picture thinking.

Things Austin Tries to Be
A giver. Servant leader. A strong, loving father and husband. A reliable friend. A good listener. Compassionate. Generous. Visionary. Positive. Helpful.

Mark Sabino

Mark Sabino

Creative Lead

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Mark Sabino


Print Design – Illustrator/Photoshop/Indesign

Logo Design – Illustrator/Photoshop

Photo Manipulation – Photoshop

Brand Building – Adobe Suite

Animation – After Effects

Studio Photography – Camera & Lights

Web Design & Production – WordPress/HTML/CSS


I love spending time with my girls but when I’m not doing that and I have the time, I enjoy playing soccer, golf, darts, drums, hiking and getting a quick run in.

Tim Cantwell

Tim Cantwell


Get to Know

Tim Cantwell

Tim is an advisor of Mosaic eMarketing. What does that mean? Well, it means a lot more than a title alone can tell you. Tim draws from experience serving hundreds of successful companies to implement plans that have helped them achieve sustainable growth. He brings the skills and experience used to help large and mid-size companies realize substantial growth to Mosaic eMarketing.

Tim has started many successful which include Interactive Marketing Resources, Price Point Partners, Westridge Partners, along others.

In addition, Tim has a passion for collecting cars. See some of his collection here, goodwood-sterling.com

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Are you interested in a specific service, platform, or are you just interested in exploring some ways our services can potentially help you? We would love to chat, get to know your business, your goals, and create a free proposal.

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Request a Free Audit

Let our experts take a look at your marketing programs, or website, and give a review of what we find. Our goal is not to just point out the flaws we notice, but to give an objective review and point out everything, including the good.

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